Keep reading to see how the data on Duolingos learners reveals insights into country preferences, cultural affinities, immigration trends, and more. In Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica, about 60% of Duolingo users are learning Spanish. Martina: Francis spent the first 10 years of her life in Latin America. There is a great variety of activities that range from matching games and fill in the blank to typing what you hear. Argentina (similarly to Uruguay) has strong ties with the Italian language. I find that the free version is very inadequate (ads and daily error caps). Juan: Cuando Gregorio muri en 1947, Mara intent publicar sus obras completas con el nombre de los dos, Mara y Gregorio, pero no fue posible, y, por esta razn, no recibi el reconocimiento que mereca. Martina: Thank you so much for taking the time to call us, Venice! Like, at all. As you may have guessed, English is by far the most studied language around the world: its one of the top two languages in two thirds of all countries. If the competition motivates you, then this app has the right format for you. As que despus de un par de aos en Estados Unidos, se separaron. Are French and Spanish popular in different parts of the world? I hadn't really noticed that before! Bye. . You can write us an email at and call and leave us a voicemail or audio message on WhatsApp, at +1-703-953-93-69. What is the Spanish translation for de dnde eres? Or is it because most Canadians truly want to learn their other official language? She learned multiple languages, including French, Portuguese, Catalan, and Italian. Conversely, some of the states that have the highest number of language learners including Florida, New Jersey, and Texas arent so great at making language-learning a daily habit. One reasonable approach for picking a language to learn is to go with a language spoken in your neighboring countries. In Spanish, it is acceptable to leave the letter t out of the word es, which means you. Finally, Francis found a quinceaera tradition that resonated with her: a candle, or vela, ceremony. Interest in Japanese is bubbling up around the country (and around the world), and it'll be fun to check back in a few years and see which states have coalesced around studying Japanese. Start studying People Spanish Duolingo. And in December 1999, just weeks after her 10th birthday, Francis, her sister, and her mom left Ecuador to start a new life in Florida, near Tampa. languages on Duolingo: English, French, or Spanish. Duolingo recently released a Swedish course for Arabic speakers, which will hopefully help! Francis: Mi mam es una persona inteligente y quera trabajar. I appreciate you providing your name. I'm going on a trip to France, but the only thing I know how to say in French is "I am from the United States."Voy de vacaciones a Francia, pero lo nico que s decir en francs es "Soy de los Estados Unidos." There are several other countries where immigrants are using Duolingo to learn the language of their new home. In the United States, immigrants constitute 13.1% of the total population. Im the executive producer, Martina Castro. Duolingo only teaches you south american spanish and not european spanish. December 19, 2021 Danielconcasco Mod Plus Remember everyone, this is a place to ask or answer questions about the exercise itself. Francis: De vez en cuando, mis padres me decan: Este collar es para tu quinceaera. Which is the only state where Russian is one of the top five languages being learned on Duolingo? I was fascinated to go on the journey with her, how she had her two passions and she united them and made financialyou know, a life out of it. Martina: Juan and Isabel were stunned. In the 19th and 20th centuries, large waves of immigrants flowed from Italy to Argentina. We call our country the United States and have since the Declaration of Independence. , but it looks like the goal is to advance your league status and compete with other players that are also learning the same language as you. l es de los Estados Unidos pero actualmente vive en Alemania. While these games are fun, I hesitate to call them lessons. But once again, the norms of Spanish society conspired to keep her memoir out of the public eye. Isabel: Nada de eso fue una sorpresa para m porque en ese tiempo se esperaba muy poco de las mujeres. This is where the data got more varied and started showing some interesting trends: for instance, German is the third most popular language among many users in the Midwest and northwestern US. One of the main draws to Duolingo Plus, aka the paid version, is that it has no ads. According to the 2020 Duolingo Language Report: Trends in the United States, there were over 49,000 students studying languages between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020. Writers like Mara had a better chance of getting their work published if they did so under a mans name. And they discovered the police were involved. In other regions, the situation may be even more dire. This will be a tedious process unless you purchase Duolingo Plus. And if you do have a Spanish keyboard downloaded to your phone, it makes auto-suggestions that can give away the answers. Francis: No tener una fiesta de quinceaera no me import mucho. Martina: An example of Gregorios groundbreaking representations of women is a play he published in 1911, called Primavera en Otoo, or Spring in the Fall. They dress up in coordinating outfits and often perform choreographed dances, from waltzes to reggaeton. Francis: Poco a poco, comenc a identificarme con la cultura estadounidense. That being said, the answer to the question of whether or not someone is American in Spanish Duolingo likely depends on which dialect of Spanish they are learning. Francis: Recuerdo que mis paps me dijeron: Cuando tengas quince aos, te vamos a hacer una fiesta y te vas a ver bien bonita. Martina: Maria and Gregorio got married in 1900. Martina: Traditionally, quinceaeras are family parties, with aunts, uncles, and cousins in attendance. Martina: When Francisco Francos right-wing nationalist government came to power in Spain, many women in leftist politics, like Mara Lejrraga, were forced into exile. Why would that be the case? El tiempo pas y ella fue olvidada. Yo le dije que por supuesto que s, que el siglo XX me interesaba mucho y que iba a empezar a prepararme para el evento. La dictadura de Franco no permiti su venta en Espaa hasta el ao 1975. Isabel: La celebracin en el Ateneo fue solo el primer paso; decidimos hacer ms. The program teaches students about European Spanish. So the cultural center assumed he would have plenty to say about the subject of the upcoming exhibit, a woman by the name Mara Lejrraga. Isabels novel, based on Mara Lejrragas life, is called Luz ajena: El enigma de Mara Lejrraga. Rosetta Stones award-winning mobile app will help you learn the foundations of Spanish and develop vocabulary. She had grown up during Francos dictatorship, so she knew first-hand what it was like for womens voices to be completely silenced. German is the fourth most studied language on Duolingo. Martina: Francis Gortaire still lives and works in Washington, D.C. Shes been in her condo for over two years now. Lo descubr despus, cuando tena veinticinco aos. But there was more. 3/1/2023, 1:28:41 PM. And in several states with a high number of Spanish speakers including California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Florida, New Jersey and New York English from Spanish is the second most popular language being learned, with an average of about 8% of users learning it. If you liked this story, please share it! The real lessons are presented as tips that you can view before starting the activities, and calling them tips makes them seem optional. It can be used to find out someones name as well. Millions of people around the globe are learning a foreign language but why do countries prefer to learn some languages over others? When you want to demonstrate your respect for the person, this is a more formal way to ask. Some of her friends knew Francis was queer, but many others didnt. And French is the third most popular language in some of the southern and southwestern states where English from Spanish is the second most popular language (see Figure 3). Yvonne Okafor is an Investment professional passionate about development and community in and around Africa. l estaba muy desilusionado con la situacin en nuestro pas. There are no Spanish verbs that can be conjugationd using Duolingos Spanish verbs. Spanish speakers colonized many areas of America that eventually became part of the United States, so the names of many of our states and cities are Spanish. Abigail Adams, the wife of second U.S. President John Adams, was a feminist who advocated for womens rights. In Mississippi, 55.4% of Duolingo users are learning Spanish, followed by 54.6% in Arkansas, 53.4% in Kentucky, and 52% in Louisiana. Our analysis last year of language-learning patterns around the world yielded some interesting findings. Esa fue la oportunidad perfecta para celebrar quien soy y darles las gracias a las personas que considero importantes en mi vida. I was born and raised in Mexico City. Something she didnt know how to express before. Lessons are divided into groups called checkpoints and you have to complete the available lessons in order to unlock the ones at the next checkpoint. In the Estados Unidos Wikipedia article (which is probably a patchwork of different authors and styles) it appears that "los" is omitted most of the time, though, as you say, not always.In the Cold War section, it says "En la Guerra Fra, Estados Unidos y la Unin Sovitica compitieron."That really emphasizes that the article is omitted for . How to Ace JLPT (the Japanese Language Proficiency Test), Hangul 101: A Super Easy Guide to the Korean Alphabet, Dive Deep into the Korean Language: From Origins to Learning Strategies, 15 Best Websites to Learn Japanese in 2023. There is a 2-week free trial, and the website claims that a subscription starts at 6.99/month. For some countries, it happens to be one of the three top I quit studying on Duolingo, because it does NOT provide European Spanish. Namibias relationship with Germany is complicated because of the colonial times, when Namibia was under German rule. Martina: Whats more, as her birthday approached, her parents were tied up in the long, messy process of getting a divorce. A la gente dentro y fuera de Espaa le gustaba su trabajo. Im not a huge fan of this method, especially since you only have 5 hearts and therefore only 5 mistakes allowed. Martina: With the help of a Spanish publishing house, Juan and Isabel have edited and republished some of Mara Lejrragas work under her own name. This can be discouraging to new learners as they may feel that they should already know the information. When two literature professors discover that a woman named Mara Lejrraga was behind some of the greatest Spanish literary works of the 20th century, they set out to learn why her name was omitted from history, and do everything in their power to restore her work to her name. It uses words like carro rather than coche and pastel rather than tarta. Francis: Poco tiempo despus de que comenc a explorar mi identidad, viaj a Costa Rica por un programa de estudio. Duolingo is definitely worth trying, in part because its free. Its good if you like ranked games and competition, and bad if you want to take your time and avoid comparison to others. My name is Kirsten and I am a Spanish teacher in the United States that has taught Spanish to all ages and language levels. English also emerges as the most popular when aggregating across all countries: its studied by 53% of all Duolingo users. is a question that many people ask when they see someone who is learning Spanish via the popular language-learning program. (Number 4 will shock you!). But Francis quickly realized she had no clue about many of the traditional quinceaera customs. French also has a bit of an unfair advantage in that its available on Duolingo from two more languages than Spanish is. The last one, she announced, was for herself. Nosotros vivamos en una parte del pas donde la comunidad latina no era muy grande. They asked at the Ateneo Riojano, which seemed like a good place to start. The answer to this question is a bit complicated, as it depends on a few factors. Another case is Norway, where Norwegian is the second most popular language (with 18% of all users). Duolingos English Test score can be accepted at the University of Chicago. The first advantage of Duolingo is that its free! Martina: The group cheered. But its not just Sweden. It is not Spanish from Spain or Latin America. Tambin me record que no estaba sola porque mis amigos estaban ah para ayudarme. Por esa razn, despus de aquella reaccin tan negativa, ella decidi no poner su nombre en ningn otro libro. Mara Lejrraga todava no es muy conocida, pero nosotros estamos trabajando da y noche para cambiar eso. Isabel: Su familia no aprob su primer libro llamado Cuentos breves. [1] The most popular courses are available for speakers of a variety of languages: for example, you can learn English from 21 different languages! There she spoke freely about writing many of the works credited to her husband. Martina: The crowd goes quiet. Francis had already been to the U.S. for vacation. If you miss something, you can always skip back and listen again. Adems, as se podran evitar ms problemas entre mis padres. Ellas fueron muy amables. Which state has the highest proportion of Spanish speakers learning English? Kirsten has been fascinated by foreign languages since childhood and has made it her mission to inspire others with her passion for Spanish. It may be surprising, but only about 10% of Indias population speaks English well. The Stories tab offers cute short stories in Spanish and reads the story to you piece by piece. Celebr con unas amigas e hicimos una pijamada. Since French dominates as the second most popular language in most states (followed by English from Spanish), we also looked at the third most popular language being learned in each state. If you are truly a beginner and want to start learning Spanish, I recommend Rosetta Stone, Lingodeer, or another program that takes more time to teach you versus test you. I love Languages are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. Francis: No conoca bien las costumbres de una quinceaera porque nunca fui a ninguna de esas fiestas en Ecuador. The interest might be even higher, was it not for the fact that prior knowledge of either English or Spanish is required to study Portuguese on Duolingo. The idea of keeping a streak is incredibly motivating for users, and we set out to identify in which states users are the most diligent about maintaining their streaks. Martina: The plan was for Francis dad to travel to the United States first. Dianne's professional experiences have included work as an Educator, a Career and Relationship Counselor, an Arts Administrator, an . If youre having trouble finding answers to a language-related question, start by looking through the hundreds of thousands of previous questions. For example: The above is indicative, but we cannot distinguish it from learners preference to study the worlds most popular languages. You can also follow your friends and keep each other on track! I would point out that its Castilian Spanish, by the way, since Catalan is also offered by the app. Im the executive producer, Martina Castro. My girlfriend is from spain and she often laughs about the south american spanish that I learn in Duolingo. Are you living in the US and learning a language? Theres a long history of close economic ties between Germany and the region (e.g., thats where many of Germanys guest workers came from after the World War II), which likely continue to this day. Despite having fewer irregularities than other languages, Spanish has an extremely straightforward pronunciation system. Given the popularity and interest in our global analysis, we wanted to do something similar for our home country. Spanish is her second language and she is familiar with French. Gracias a l, me di cuenta que tena que hacer algo por m misma, para estar orgullosa de la persona que era hoy. Martina: Isabel and Juan knew a lot about Gregorio Martnez Sierra. . While most users are based in the United States, there are also a significant number of users in other countries, such as Spain, Mexico, and Argentina. Martina: Together, Juan and Isabel began searching for answers. This season, were exploring customs, or costumbres, from the Spanish-speaking world, to help you improve your Spanish listening, and to learn more about daily life in other cultures. The Spanish communist Ana Hurtado, spokesperson for the Cuban regime in the Iberian Peninsula, announced that she would go to live in Cuba for several months to carry out "a documentary project.". In the end, Francis even wore pink and a crown, or corona, but put her own twist on it. the darker the color, the higher the percentage of Duolingo users The Duolingo Spanish podcast is produced by Duolingo and Adonde Media. They had no proofyet. , If we further exclude English-speaking countries, we are left with only a handful of countries for which English is not one of the top two languages: the Scandinavian and the Balkan countries in Europe, Iran in Middle East, Ethiopia in Africa, and Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, and Myanmar in Asia. When asking someone what their name is, you can use one or two expressions. Especially her mom, who had been an accountant, or contadora, in Ecuador. Again. French is spoken mostly in the region of Qubec, where over half of the population speaks exclusively French, and the rest is mostly bilingual in English and French. Gregorio Martnez Sierra was a well-known author in Spain. Spanish has been spoken in the United States for hundreds of years. Juan and Isabel realized that this one piece of information, along with the letters they had read, could be the proof they needed to show that Mara Lejrraga was the real author of many of the plays, essays, and poems attributed to her husband. Martina: This was all happening at a time when Madrid was a major European theatre hubthe epicentre of show biz, before film took hold as the most popular medium of mass entertainment. In Argentina, the second most popular language is actually Italian. So they were the ones in charge of maintaining her archives and keeping her memory alive. But just how dominant is English? One hypothesis is that as the state where the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is headquartered, Utah has a high number of people learning languages as they prepare to take international mission trips. And thank you so much for listening. Francis: Esta fiesta, es para celebrar a la persona que soy hoy, despus de treinta aos de vida, y a las personas que me ayudaron en el camino. Furthermore, you can adjust the adjustment amount to ensure that your accent is tailored to your specific personality. Gracias por escuchar! And in several states with a high number of Spanish speakers - including California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Florida, New Jersey and New York - English from Spanish is the second most popular language being learned, with an average of about 8% of users learning it. When it comes to regional language-learning trends, our analysis showed some clear patterns: While Spanish is the most common language being learned in all 50 states, it is especially popular among users in the South: Mississippi, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Louisiana have the highest proportions of Spanish language learners. They decided to investigate further. She decided she did want some recognition, or reconocimiento, for her work. French and Spanish are in tight competition: French is one of the top two languages in 58% of all countries, and Spanish in 46% of the countries. Im Martina Castro, and this season were digging into some of the greatest mysteries of art and literature in the Spanish-speaking world. I have finished level 3 Spanish, how do I go to level 4 learning? According to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) page, there are more than 20 types of work visas, including visas for investors, agricultural workers, athletes, religious or those in which you need a sponsor. Why is Swedish the top language in Sweden? If you dont like to compare yourself to others and want a more independent language learning journey, I recommend ignoring the profile and leaderboard tabs or using a different app altogether to avoid the competitive nature of the app. The concept is simple: if you meet your daily goal on Duolingo for 2 days in a row, you have a 2-day streak. German happens to be most popular in the Northwestern US, with the top states being South Dakota (13.6%), North Dakota (13.4%), Alaska (12.6%), and Montana (12.3%). She called her in Florida. Which state has the highest proportion of users learning languages with Duolingo? (M) He is from the United States but now lives in Germany. Eso me dio la oportunidad de comenzar desde cero con otras personas, y presentarme como una persona queer. Fue en ese momento cuando empec a llorar; llor muchsimo. Juan: Su padre era mdico. Escrib una novela llamada Luz ajena. Martina: As Mara was forgotten, or olvidada, Gregorios plays became less daring and controversial. Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to a special season of the Duolingo Spanish Podcast. Ellas la cuidan hasta que crece y se casa. Juan: Entre los documentos ms importantes que tenan haba varias cartas escritas por Mara Lejrraga. It's optional in Spanish, but the the is required in English. Juan: Senta que vala la pena porque era un personaje importante que tena muchas cualidades y una vida interesante. Four of the top six languages people want to learn have seen a 20% increase in search traffic in the weeks since the national lockdown. It goes back down to 0. Juan: Tuvimos mucha suerte! 2023 I love Languages. Finally, Francis had given out all but one candle. But in terms of the overall number of users, Spanish wins: it is studied by 17% of all Duolingo users, compared to only 11% for French. Its better to use Duolingo if you have some prior knowledge of Spanish because it doesnt always explicitly teach Spanish vocabulary and grammar. Many more are under development (see full list). In some ways, its like a Sweet Sixteen party in the U.S. Today, as part of the custom, the quinceaera often receives special gifts like jewelry from friends and family, as a symbol of their love and support. Mississippi came out on the very bottom, with a proportion of just 2.17%. Listen free on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. Im not a huge fan of this method, especially since you only have 5 hearts and therefore only 5 mistakes allowed. Martina: With new-found confidence, Francis decided to come out to her mom. German was one of Namibias official languages up till 1990, and is spoken by a third of Namibias white community. Martina: As they began their research, Isabel and Juan got a little bit more context about Mara Lejrragas life. It was also pushing the boundaries for how women were represented in art at the timechallenging dominant narratives that painted women as submissive, or sometidas, and dependent on men. Notice any other interesting patterns in the Duolingo data? Duolingo has 120 million users around the world, and currently teaches 19 distinct languages. Im Martina Castro. Francis: Yo soy feminista y, honestamente, no estoy de acuerdo con algunas de las tradiciones de las quinceaeras. Martina: But that wasnt the only reason Mara stopped publishing under her own name. Learn vocabulary in an order that is familiar to you so you can understand how to communicate effectively in Spanish. Interestingly, Mississippi also ranks last in terms of States access to the Internet.
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